Monday, December 8, 2008


Me and the other girls (fara, loki and liz) are planning to have an exhibit next year. I just practiced illustrating and I hope to use this style someday hehe.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vote for my Threadless Horror Entry #1

Woohooo! First design got approved! I'm so happy! Still Waiting for the other entry. I'll post it once it gets approved. I think you have to sign up for before you can vote.

If I get enough high scores (i think 5 is the highest) the shirt will be printed and sold from the site and I will win some prizes. Take a look at it and if you like it, sign up and give it a score.

Just click this link:


P.S. I'm sure Threadless would be happy if you bought a tee too!